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RPG maker VX
RPG maker VX
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» Script de menu
por maxi Jue 04 Dic 2014, 1:44 pm

» Ayuda intro animado!!!
por maxi Miér 03 Dic 2014, 9:41 pm

» ayuda con este engin
por maxi Miér 03 Dic 2014, 8:42 am

» Hud de Vida 100% Personalizable - Engine Sencillo! Sin Scripts :)
por davidaikago Jue 20 Nov 2014, 10:58 am

» Ultimate parallax control by:GDS [ace]
por arellano Miér 08 Oct 2014, 8:28 pm

» Script Touhou (animated) Map name (v1.4)
por davidaikago Miér 08 Oct 2014, 2:09 pm

» tutorial puerta nueva
por davidaikago Miér 08 Oct 2014, 9:08 am

» cámara de fotos
por davidaikago Miér 08 Oct 2014, 9:05 am

» Imperial Action System II Demo
por davidaikago Miér 08 Oct 2014, 8:47 am

» VE Batalla animada [ACE]
por FhierusIV Jue 18 Sep 2014, 10:57 am

» Nuevo Reglamento del Foro [Vigente desde Septiembre 2014]
por maxi Miér 17 Sep 2014, 8:37 am

» MOG|Animated Title
por Souta21 Mar 09 Sep 2014, 7:24 pm

» Tutorial Engine - Cambiar Character al Equipar Objeto
por maxi Lun 21 Jul 2014, 10:19 am

» Script de climas
por gambasoxd Sáb 19 Jul 2014, 8:58 am

» Script de contraseña(codigo) para abrir un cofre
por rpgame Jue 03 Jul 2014, 6:03 pm

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ReinoRpg Hud

3 participantes

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RPG Maker Vx Ace ReinoRpg Hud

Mensaje por Axel Jue 13 Jun 2013, 4:12 pm

Hola a todos makeros aqui les traigo un script de HUD que les permite ver tanto sus PH, PM, nivel en que se encuentra y el fondo de dinero que han acumulado espero les agrade y aqui dejo una screen y el script espero les sirva

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]


# ¦ ReinoRPG HUD v0.6
# Script: LB
# Translated: Bravo2Kilo
# Toggle key: Kal
puts "HUD Loaded"
module PR_RRPG_HUD

#============= General Settings ===============#
# Post nil if you want to center on screen
# Place a minus sign in front of value to refer to the opposite side.
Position_X = nil
Position_Y = -8
Bottom_of_the_HUD = "Back.png"
Bar_HP = "HP.png"
Bar_MP = "MP.png"

Using_transparency_in_the_entrance = true # Makes the HUD fade when go under it
Using_transparency_in_the_exit = true # FadeOut to disappear in just

Speed = 3 # Speed to FadeIn/FadeOut
Final_Opacity = 255 # Final 0pacity of the HUD
Opacity_Final_Element = 255 # Opacity of the final elements of the HUD
Character_Opacity = 150 # Opacity if the character is under
Opacity_Character_Element = 160 # Opacity of the elements

Switch_Control = 1 # Switch that controls whether the HUD is active or not
# HUD to be active ON and OFF to turn it off.

Number_Character = 1 # The number of character in order according to menu

HUD_Toggle_Show_Key = Input::L # Press this key to show/hide the HUD
# L is the Q key on a keyboard.
# Press F1 in a game to see what the default
# key mappings are.

#=============== HUD Elements ================#

# Set to true to display graphic charset (false to not display)
Char_Show = true
Char_X = 46
Char_Y = 66

# Set true to show the character's name (false to not display)
Name_Show = true
Name_Alignment = 1 # 0 = Left | 1 = Center | 2 = Right
Name_X = 92
Name_Y = 25
Name_Width = 134
Name_Color = Color.new(255,255,255)
Name_Font = nil # Font to use, write nil to use the default
Name_Size_of_Font = 17 # Size_of Font

# Set true to show the character's class (false to not display)
Class_Show = true
Class_Alignment = 0 # 0 = Left | 1 = Center | 2 = Right
Class_X = 229
Class_Y = 25
Class_Width = 60
Class_Color = Color.new(255,255,255)
Class_Font = nil # Font to use, write nil to use the default
Class_Size_of_Font = 16 # Size_of Font

# Set true to show the bar that represents the character's HP (false to not display)
HP_Show = true
HP_X = 92
HP_Y = 42

# Set true to show the bar that represents the character's MP (false to not display)
MP_Show = true
MP_X = 92
MP_Y = 59

# Set true to show the value of Current HP bar (false to not display)
Values_HP_Show_Current = false
# Set true to show the maximum value of the HP bar (false to not display)
Values_HP_Show_Total = false
Values_HP_Color = Color.new(255,255,255)
Values_HP_Font = nil # Font to use, write nil to use the default
Values_HP_Size_of_Font = 14 # Size_of Font
Values_HP_X = 92
Values_HP_Y = 38

# Set true to show the value of Current MP bar (false to not display)
Values_MP_Show_Current = false
# Set true to show the maximum value of the MP bar (false to not display)
Values_MP_Show_Total = false
Values_MP_Color = Color.new(255,255,255)
Values_MP_Font = nil # Font to use, write nil to use the default
Values_MP_Size_of_Font = 14 # Size_of Font
Values_MP_X = 92
Values_MP_Y = 55

# Set true to show the character's level (false to not display)
LV_Show = true
LV_Color = Color.new(255,255,255)
LV_Font = nil # Font to use, write nil to use the default
LV_Size_of_Font = 19 # Size_of Font
LV_Width = 30
LV_X = 241
LV_Y = 49

# Set true to show the character of money (false to not display)
Gold_Show = true
Gold_Color = Color.new(255,255,255)
Gold_Font = nil # Font to use, write nil to use the default
Gold_Size_of_Font = 18 # Size_of Font
Gold_X = 281
Gold_Y = 35
Gold_Width = 50

# Set true to show the suffix of play money (false to not display)
Text_Show = true
Text_Color = Color.new(255,255,255)
Text_Font = nil # Font to use, write nil to use the default
Text_Size_of_Font = 15 # Size_of Font
Text_X = 281
Text_Y = 50
Text_Width = 50
Text = "Gold" # Name of game currency
#============ End of Settings ================#
#============ Top of Script ==================#
module Cache
# * Get HUD Graphic
# filename : Filename
def self.hud(filename)
load_bitmap("Graphics/Hud/", filename)
class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
include PR_RRPG_HUD

alias hud_start start
alias hud_update update
alias hud_terminate terminate

def start

def active_hud
unless @hud_has_run_before
$game_switches[Switch_Control] = true
@hud_has_run_before = true
@animation_hud1 = Using_transparency_in_the_entrance
@animation_hud2 = Using_transparency_in_the_entrance
@animation_hud_1 = Using_transparency_in_the_exit
@animation_hud_2 = Using_transparency_in_the_exit
@back = Sprite.new
@back.bitmap = Cache.hud(Bottom_of_the_HUD)
@back.opacity = 0 if @animation_hud1 == true
x = Position_X
y = Position_Y
w = @back.width
h = @back.height
x = ( x == nil ? ( 544 - w ) / 2 : ( x < 0 ? ( 544 + x - w ) : x ) )
y = ( y == nil ? ( 416 - h ) / 2 : ( y < 0 ? ( 416 + y - h ) : y ) )
@back.x = x
@back.y = y
@back.z = 190
@wind = Window_Base.new(x-16,y-16,w+32,h+32)
@wind.opacity = 0
@wind.contents_opacity = 0 if @animation_hud2 == true
@wind.z = 195
@wind.contents.font.shadow = false
@id = Number_Character-1
@info = []
@hp = Sprite.new
@hp.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
@mp = Sprite.new
@mp.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
@hp.x = HP_X + x
@mp.x = MP_X + x
@hp.y = HP_Y + y
@mp.y = MP_Y + y
@hp.z = 192
@mp.z = 193
@hp.opacity = 0 if @animation_hud2 == true
@mp.opacity = 0 if @animation_hud2 == true
hud_real_update if status_update

def terminate
if @animation_hud_1 == true
if @animation_hud_2 == true

def update
if $game_switches[Switch_Control] == true and @hud_keyboard_switch
if @back != nil
if @back.opacity < Final_Opacity and @animation_hud1 == true
@back.opacity += Speed
@back.opacity = Final_Opacity
@animation_hud1 = false
if @wind.contents_opacity < Opacity_Final_Element and @animation_hud2 == true
@wind.contents_opacity += Speed
@hp.opacity += Speed
@mp.opacity += Speed
@wind.contents_opacity = Opacity_Final_Element
@hp.opacity = Opacity_Final_Element
@mp.opacity = Opacity_Final_Element
@animation_hud2 = false
if @back != nil
if @back.opacity > Speed-1 and @animation_hud_1 == true
@back.opacity -= Speed
@back = nil
@animation_hud_1 = false
if @wind.contents_opacity > Speed-1 and @animation_hud_2 == true
@wind.contents_opacity -= Speed
@hp.opacity -= Speed
@mp.opacity -= Speed
if @animation_hud_2 == true
@hp = nil
@mp = nil
@wind = nil
@animation_hud_2 = false
if @back != nil
if $game_player.screen_x >= @back.x and $game_player.screen_x <= @back.x + @back.width and
$game_player.screen_y >= @back.y and $game_player.screen_y <= @back.y + @back.height
@back.opacity = Character_Opacity
@hp.opacity = Opacity_Character_Element
@mp.opacity = Opacity_Character_Element
@wind.contents_opacity = Opacity_Character_Element
hud_real_update if status_update

def hud_real_update
a = $game_party.members[@id]
@wind.draw_character(a.character_name, a.character_index, Char_X, Char_Y) if Char_Show
if Name_Show
@wind.contents.font.name = Name_Font if Name_Font != nil
@wind.contents.font.color = Name_Color
@wind.contents.font.size = Name_Size_of_Font
@wind.contents.draw_text(Name_X, Name_Y, Name_Width, Name_Size_of_Font, a.name, Name_Alignment)
if Class_Show
@wind.contents.font.name = Class_Font if Class_Font != nil
@wind.contents.font.color = Class_Color
@wind.contents.font.size = Class_Size_of_Font
@wind.contents.draw_text(Class_X, Class_Y, Class_Width, Class_Size_of_Font, a.class.name, Class_Alignment)
if HP_Show
@hp.bitmap = Cache.hud(Bar_HP)
if MP_Show
@mp.bitmap = Cache.hud(Bar_MP)
if Values_HP_Show_Current
text = a.hp.to_s
if Values_HP_Show_Total
text = a.mhp.to_s
if Values_HP_Show_Current and Values_HP_Show_Total
text = a.hp.to_s + "/" + a.mhp.to_s
if text != nil
@wind.contents.font.name = Values_HP_Font if Values_HP_Font != nil
@wind.contents.font.color = Values_HP_Color
@wind.contents.font.size = Values_HP_Size_of_Font
@wind.contents.draw_text(Values_HP_X, Values_HP_Y, @hp.width, Values_HP_Size_of_Font, text, 2)
text = nil
if Values_MP_Show_Current
text = a.mp.to_s
if Values_MP_Show_Total
text = a.mmp.to_s
if Values_MP_Show_Current and Values_MP_Show_Total
text = a.mp.to_s + "/" + a.mmp.to_s
if text != nil
@wind.contents.font.name = Values_MP_Font if Values_MP_Font != nil
@wind.contents.font.color = Values_MP_Color
@wind.contents.font.size = Values_MP_Size_of_Font
@wind.contents.draw_text(Values_MP_X, Values_MP_Y, @hp.width, Values_MP_Size_of_Font, text, 2)
if LV_Show
@wind.contents.font.name = LV_Font if LV_Font != nil
@wind.contents.font.color = LV_Color
@wind.contents.font.size = LV_Size_of_Font
@wind.contents.draw_text(LV_X, LV_Y, LV_Width, LV_Size_of_Font, a.level, 1)
if Gold_Show
@wind.contents.font.name = Gold_Font if Gold_Font != nil
@wind.contents.font.color = Gold_Color
@wind.contents.font.size = Gold_Size_of_Font
@wind.contents.draw_text(Gold_X, Gold_Y, Gold_Width, Gold_Size_of_Font, $game_party.gold, 1)
if Text_Show
@wind.contents.font.name = Text_Font if Text_Font != nil
@wind.contents.font.color = Text_Color
@wind.contents.font.size = Text_Size_of_Font
@wind.contents.draw_text(Text_X, Text_Y, Text_Width, Text_Size_of_Font, Text, 1)

def status_update
return false if @wind == nil
a = $game_party.members[@id]
return update_infos if a.id != @info[0]
return update_infos if a.character_name != @info[1]
return update_infos if a.character_index != @info[2]
return update_infos if a.name != @info[3]
return update_infos if a.class_id != @info[4]
return update_infos if a.class.name != @info[5]
return update_infos if a.hp != @info[6]
return update_infos if a.mhp != @info[7]
return update_infos if a.mp != @info[8]
return update_infos if a.mmp != @info[9]
return update_infos if a.level != @info[10]
return update_infos if $game_party.gold != @info[11]
return false

def update_infos
a = $game_party.members[@id]
@info[0] = a.id
@info[1] = a.character_name
@info[2] = a.character_index
@info[3] = a.name
@info[4] = a.class_id
@info[5] = a.class.name
@info[6] = a.hp
@info[7] = a.mhp
@info[8] = a.mp
@info[9] = a.mmp
@info[10] = a.level
@info[11] = $game_party.gold
return true
def hud_check_key_toggle
@hud_keyboard_switch = true if @hud_keyboard_switch.nil?
if Input.trigger?(HUD_Toggle_Show_Key)
@hud_keyboard_switch = !@hud_keyboard_switch

Imagenes que necesitaran para el funcionamento del script y agregarlos en la carpeta Graphics de su game



Edad 38

Cantidad de envíos 52

Maker Cash 70

Reputación 4

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RPG Maker Vx Ace gracias

Mensaje por xXGuille5107Xx Vie 16 Ago 2013, 2:45 am

gracias por el aporte men, me sirve perfectamente pero, ¿se puede cambiar la tecla de activar/desactivar el HUD?


Edad 27

Cantidad de envíos 132

Maker Cash 213

Reputación 15

Sobre mí:: Tatsumiiii~ :3

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RPG Maker Vx Ace Re: ReinoRpg Hud

Mensaje por Mike_182 Vie 16 Ago 2013, 4:56 am

Si se puede, simplemente modificando esta linea:
HUD_Toggle_Show_Key = Input::L # Press this key to show/hide the HUD
Cambia esa L de color rojo por la tecla que tu quieras.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]
Entonces, por defecto esta la tecla Q de tu teclado, que el juego reconoce como si fuera la L (Input::L).
Puedes cambiarlo por la W, que en el juego sería la R.
En fin, en el script vienen las instrucciones mas detalladas, y si no las entiendes puedes usar un traductor.
Un saludo.
Super Moderador
Super Moderador


Edad 28

Cantidad de envíos 814

Maker Cash 1041

Reputación 150

Sobre mí::

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RPG Maker Vx Ace Re: ReinoRpg Hud

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